Gvendarlaug hot spring

Gvendarlaug í Bjarnarfirði, 511, Iceland

For those who are unsure of where to stay in the north fjords and are searching for an authentic experience of icelandic hotels with hot springs, we wanted to include the Gvendarlaug/Laugarhóll hot spring on our list of Westjords hot springs, even though it is not open to everyone and is a part of the hotel Laugarhóll.

A man-made swimming pool is just adjacent to the hotel, and there are also a few little hot springs scattered over the site. This pool is no bigger then for example Hellulaug, but because the remote location, there is higher chance, you will have it just for yourself.

Unfortunately you cannot take a bath in this place, but no need to be worry. There is a pool just next to the spring and not far away are hot tubs in Drangsnes, where you can take a bath after visit the waterfall of Gods – Goðafoss.

If you’re looking for lodging in Westfjords with the distinct sensation of icelandic hot springs, this will be a perfect spot to stay because the pool is right underneath the hotel Laugarholl.

Do you want to see other hot springs nearby? Read this:

Published: August 14, 2022
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