Krambúðin grocery store Flúdir

Krambúðin grocery store Flúdir

30, 845 Flúðir, Iceland

Opening hours in Krambúðin, Flúdir:

Monday: 9:00 — 19:00
Tuesday: 9:00 — 19:00
Wednesday: 9:00 — 19:00
Thursday: 9:00 — 19:00
Friday: 9:00 — 19:00
Saturday: 9:00 — 19:00
Sunday: 9:00 — 19:00

Krambúðin in Flúðir, despite being a cute little store with a good product selection, has faced criticism for its relatively high prices. Some customers find the costs to be unreasonably steep compared to other supermarkets in Iceland, labeling it as a form of exploitation. It’s advisable to plan your shopping in advance to avoid the perceived expense.

While the overall cost of groceries might be considered on the higher side, the store has gained positive remarks for its delightful hot dogs and excellent ice cream, both reasonably priced. If you find yourself in the town, it’s recommended to visit for these treats, especially if you plan your visit between 9 AM and 7 PM.

Get directions to Krambudin, Flúdir

Published: December 10, 2023
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