Dettifoss waterfall

Dettifoss, Iceland

The Jökulsa River is home to Europe’s greatest waterfall. The biggest flow is recorded during the summer, due to glacier melting. It is 100 meters wide and descends to a depth of 45 meters. Other waterfalls in the vicinity include a ten-meter-high Selfoss approximately a kilometer upstream and a 27-meter-high Hafragilsfoss below the creek.

You will probably know Detifoss from the movie Prometheus from 2012. This huge waterfall, which is also known for flooding you before you see it, can be found in the area of ​​Mývatn in northern Iceland on the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum.

If you do not rent a quad bike, we do not recommend riding it. The road is full of holes, it is often closed due to snow, and most importantly it is famous for people pricking bikes on it.

Dettifoss Waterfall is located just like Selfoss waterfall on the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum. It is a waterfall with the largest water flow in Europe (average 193 m3 per second).

Dettifoss is 44 meters high and 100 meters wide. The water from Dettifoss continues through the Jökulsárgljúfur canyon.

Dettifoss is part of the Diamond Circle, located between Lake Mývatn and the port town Húsavík. The access road on the west side is in better condition than the gravel road on the east side. A short path leads from the car park to the waterfall.

Published: January 10, 2022
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